2007年12月11日 星期二

My Favourite Game by The Cardigans

The Cardigans 最為大眾熟悉的作品應該是Lovefool,不過那個曲風對我來說甜度過高,所以當時我並沒有非常愛羊毛衫(嗯,我喜歡這個翻譯名),不過我並不算他們的fans,如果停留在Lovefool對他們的印象的話,可能會被他們其他作品給驚嚇到,因為他們的曲風非常多變,簡直沒有固定風格,Wiki的描述是"The band's musical style has varied greatly from album to album and encompasses their early indie leanings passing through '60s-inspired pop and more band-based rock."

坦白說,這歌詞配合上MV後其實有點恐怖的味道,有點輸了感情不惜毀滅一切的感覺,本來很好聽的歌,突然多了一種鬼氣,我有點後悔去看歌詞,人生最恐怖的事之一就是遇到那種活在自己世界裏,你怎麼說他都聽不進或是用自己想要的方式解讀,這種恐怖真的會讓人精神衰弱.我個人的恐怖經歷是: No matter how hard I tried, it still took my polite "NO" as a "YES". 簡直跟戰慄遊戲一樣. 到現在都還心有餘悸.

"My Favourite Game" by The Cardigans

I don't know what you're looking for
you haven't found it baby, that's for sure
You rip me up and spread me all around
in the dust of the deed of time

And this is not a case of lust, you see
it's not a matter of you versus of me
It's fine the way you want me on your own
but in the end it's always me alone

And I'm losing my favourite game
you're losing your mind again
I'm losing my baby
losing my favourite game

I only know what I've been working for
another you so I could love you more
I really thought that I could take you there
but my experiment is not getting us anywhere

I had a vision I could turn you right
a stupid mission and a lethal fight
I should have seen it when my hope was new
my heart is black and my body is blue

And I'm losing my favourite game
you're losing your mind again
I'm losing my favourite game
I've tried but you're still the same
I'm losing my baby
you're losing a saviour and a saint




