2008年1月7日 星期一

Heartbeat by Don Johnson

這首歌坦白說是來亂的,我沒特別喜歡也沒特別討厭,不過Don Johnson在哪個80年代絕對算是個頭號人物,歌詞大概是為了讓美國為數不少的文盲(illiterate)也能接受,淺顯易懂,呃也沒什麼內容,當年Don Johnson在電視螢光幕上可是紅到不行,開著法拉利帥氣的臥底警探(白人警探開的車比黑人警探的顯然要高檔的多),在Miami帥氣的飆車把妹臥底辦案,"Miami Vice"說是那個年代最紅的影集一點也不為過,不過這首歌被我列為根Samansa Fox的"Touch Me"同等級的歌.應該是為了當時他的師奶市場量身打造的吧!

順帶一提,以下為個人偏見,電影版的Miami Vice真是個不知所云的片,劇情沒張力,情節沒什麼曲折,連槍戰都不刺激,除了鞏俐衝個話題好像比較特別外,實在不知道這部片有什麼值得看的地方,算是我看電影人生中覺得最花冤枉錢的前幾名(跟鐵男躲避球爭冠亞軍).

Don Johnson - Heartbeat (1986)

I don't care what you say
you can give it away

Your money don't mean much to me.
I've been out on my own
gonna got it alone now

'Cause that's the way it's got to be.
Ev'rybody tells me how I can beat the odds for now.
I've been standing by the fire
but I ust can't feel the heat.

Heartbeat - I'm looking for a heartbeat

Heartbeat - I'm looking for a heartbeat
beating like mine.

Looking at me
it's easy to see

You think you know iust how I feel.
If you do to me wrong and it won't take me long

Before my restless heart will heal.
I'm looking for a love
love like mine

They tell me it's so hard to find

But I can feel it in the rhythm of the heartbeat in the street.

Heartbeat - I'm looking for a heartbeat

Heartbeat - I'm looking for a heartbeat

Beating like mine
beating like mine.
Tell me what you feel now without the heartbeat

Tell me is it real now without the heartbeat?

Heartbeat - I'm looking for a heartbeat. (12x)

Don Johnson from Wiki
Miami Vice from Wiki


