2008年3月6日 星期四

Suddenly Billy Ocean

用"膾炙人口"來形容這首歌應該不過分,如果排個英文情歌史上100強的話應該也不過分,雖然有聲音質疑這首歌的創意跟Lionel Richie的"Hello"有異曲同工之妙,不過都無損於作品本身的價值,如果以我主觀的觀點來看的話,兩者確實有相近之處,不過情緒處理上的巧妙不同,"Hello"的語氣比較帶著對關係的不確定感,在感情進展上是處於尚未明朗的還處於單相思的階段,但是"Suddenly"是表達對於愛情的一種喜悅與感激,感謝這段成熟的關係所給予的體驗與表達滿溢的愛意.

SUDDENLY (Billy Ocean)

I used to think that love was such a fairy tail
until that first hello, until that first smile
but if i had to do it all again
I wouldnt change a thing, cos this love is everlasting

Suddenly, life has new meaning to me
there's beauty up above, and things we never take notice of
You wake up, suddenly your in love

ooh yeah

Girl your everything a man could want and more
one thousand words are not enough to say what i feel inside
holding hands as we walk along the shore
never felt like this before, now your all that I'm living for

suddenly, Life has new meaning to me
there's beauty up above, and things we never take notice of
You wake up, suddenly you're in love

each day I pray, this love affair will last forever
oh hoh
suddenly, Life has new meaning to me
there's beauty up above, and things we never take notice of
You wake up, suddenly your in love

there's beauty up above, and things we never take notice of
You wake up, suddenly your in love


Billy Ocean Official Website

Billy Ocean from Wikipedia

Suddenly (Billy Ocean album)


